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tv   Documentary  RT  April 22, 2013 6:29am-7:00am EDT

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against santa ana i was armies that lasted for about a year but finally general sam houston leading these volunteers defeated santa ana at a place called saniel sento and in defeating the president general of mexico they were able to force him to sign a treaty. the treaty formed a new nation said that he would never again come across the rio grande river to bother of the people in texas any more tree also said. nothing of the land of texas . belonged to the people who lived on the land of texas for ever and that's a treaty that is perpetual it doesn't go away. so what is the republic of texas now it is the land of texas one of texas does not belong to the us doesn't belong to the federal government it belongs to the people. who live here. and there
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is no federal land if they want land in texas they have to lease it from us for their military bases school. ok go not. fall off the hip all think if. what the republic of texas is today in the early two thousand. a number of people got together and said you know what the farm land is still ours and if there's a perpetual treaty that says we are a nation let's just be a nation and so they elected but with a vote from the people. a president vice president secretary of state a congress
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a supreme court justice and all of those are still occupied lands to this day in fact that government needs every month on the second saturday of the march and the people of texas who are interested come to those meetings that's what it is today the purpose the goal of the republic of texas and what we're doing is to restore and to preserve all the freedoms and all the solemn rights that were won in eight hundred thirty six test the battle of santa sent over the when the treaty was signed. in other words we're here to make sure that the people get to exercise those rights even though an overreaching federal government of the u.s. keeps trying to take away more and more of the rights and freedoms we're here to restore them and to make sure their preserve. to have the same.
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i drove here from lake jackson texas two hundred forty miles i had to wake up early but i wanted to come i went last month to this meeting. and what i see are some people that are concerned about. where our country is heading and. then they they look for the alternative. but there's a lot of talk about secession in this country because we see tyranny in washington we see even our own elected representatives wind up getting elected because they're people with wealth that are paying for their elections.
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it will. be routine. and. you may. want to just. only. he's not. he's not a hero friday afternoon back. c.f.b. sidley if you was a him would you be here by the f.b.i. . or let the case where the congress. malo the lady of texas. and give the record. we did we reclaim and all the way and for the people.
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it up. this is a map of the original bone grease from eighteen thirty six of the nation called the republic of texas here's a map of the state of texas today and all of the mountains all the way up to here which is wyoming colorado new mexico. kansas and oklahoma. that we're part of the nation then have been stripped away because this is the northern limit of texas which is somewhere and sheer. c.l. for. have served these papers to. all the different governors. to washington d.c. . to europe blame is put. so did.
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them leaving him a copy because i didn't serve him. i deserved all the top people. viewed you have any. money real money. with. programs are. immoral but it's real money. or if. it's your wishes that has a face value of two you'll see how. it's. kind of nine point nine percent personal. air tight storm damage. that was an issue or problem trouble free right ok. so i do things for you. i help design these drawn first i'm going to have an artist. what is true just.
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three forty i'm a big chicken. break the whole big load of them are bartering that's right and i like it i like it i like it three. over here we've got a machine it's running republic of texas currency right now we've got a tough one. thirty nine millimeter silver medallion. so you can see the star on one side with an outline of the original. other side one nation under one god. great sculptor. started doing these all way back in two thousand and nine made hundreds of thousands of.
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these presses for use by the u.s. for almost fifty years to make any. you hear the most repurposed make fractional silver cup and he says we change the world. we are strong your money is good so. sure is the money people were. playing we can make a marketplace. open to anybody who wants to get in but you want to. make some free . money the way we. play the money the money. and it makes. their changes in the marketplace so what we're going to do here is we're free to enter a currency system. in the blanks for the u.s. but we can reestablish this marketplace people barter and trade what.
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it. says. to me is suggestion so there must be dismissed. with only one is laying the piss out of all fifty states forty nine other states all of their land records are in state. there are all forty nine states. up in virginia very close to the district of columbia. united states bureau of. the united states own as can folks and throw all the. states on. these records state and texas because first. the senate ratified the treaty with texas for friendship commerce and navigation
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in eight hundred forty three but refused to ratify. a year later and eight hundred forty four. december outgoing president john tyler proposed that texas yeah next by a joint resolution of the us congress that passed february of forty five. and november texas both. in eight hundred sixty one. the people discovered the united states wasn't going to do what they said they would do . so they. elected form a new constitution and took them out of the boat to secede or not. the united states declared the vote in the constitution null and void. with the what
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people didn't understand. the stakes never see the dates. in they were and they were taken a vote to secede and you cannot cede troops up to new never see did. j. james be hurt or the. anybody after chickens or man they get their day it you know you know go after james tickets. when a driver worries to drop a man. oh. yeah i want some how do you both are going to do all three of them. three of them. there's a new one. earth perfect
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ok i'll be happy to kiss. the kind of governments we have now are like a parasite and a parasite is a living thing but it lives off of the lives of others they are parasites on cows or apart or sites on trees government has become a parasite and there are as many people dependent on my government. in the united states as there are that are not dependent. so it's a kind of a fifty fifty deal well we can support. that other half. by our labor because government doesn't use to anything it only takes one salary and gives it to people who are like a. party penned up. and republic of texas that can't happen. just to show the republic says the government is very small. does very few things
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is forbidden to do the other things and so people keep the food so of their labor they keep the work of their hands down the down they can. start businesses they can hire more people the other people have jobs everything works fine without the parasite. it.
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name. the international airport in the very heart of moscow. thanks bro no way things are going the republic of texas to be a whole hog better off than the state of texas. texas has got its own lecture cool grid it's got all the hall and gas and everything it needs it's got all the end free and everything it made it can survive by itself without the rest of the united states which is to say the rest united states cannot survive without. the remotest people around this country around the whole world who are thinking oil wells when they hear about texas and all that was true
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a long time ago. but now two thousand and thirteen there is more energy coming out of the ground from natural gas than there is from liquid petroleum. and there's enough natural gas discovered already. to fuel texas for the next hundred years or longer the splat behind us is one of the plants that's capable of burning gas. now because there is so much gas and oil and coal and wind and solar available in texas meaning we have a lot more sunny days. texas is a stand alone area as far as energy resources it does not need to import energy from other states or from the federal government it can export energy. on so that the resources are here and the costs of energy per b.t.u.
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or per whatever you measure it is usually almost always lower in texas than theirs is in the rest of the states. which is very good for us but that's because with the independent texas power grid. texas does not have to let the us regulate the costs the price of energy. the people who work on a minute are not employees they're partners and they've agreed that when they get paid for their work. that they will be paid in silver that is produced from them. and it makes sense because they're producing real money and they want to be paid in real money. everything is part of their exchanging their labor. hours of their life. for
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a commodity and that commodity is sold it's like paying people in case or bacon. since they're being paid in a commodity according to the u.s. . and they are us. this is not money this is a commodity. so since they're not being paid in u.s. dollars. and they are. u.s. dollars or what's taxed that's the simplest way to. lose no income tax. if you're paid in case. you're paid. the bridge. that's just an exchange a commodity for the use of my time and my skills. evelyn durata child and he is sitting there overlooking all of his sheep hanging out in front of fema
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camps and the i.r.s. and fellow reserve the builder birds and see if. we are the nanny state now where we are being watched almost everywhere we go by security cameras and satellites and drones flying over us we've got our military now to extend democracy out there to the rest of the world and as long as we're sleeping we're just watching t.v. everything's going to be just fine there was a while they lose one of us and they don't really like to lose us but it's all collateral damage. now and. the people here believe very strongly in peace we're pacifists we are anti-war. we believe at the same time though that very strong defense and being able to protect your life your liberty and your property is also very important so as we walk through here you may see scattered across the building there's a a r fifteen back here in this corner along so our marketing director tray. and so you'll see
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a lot of people carrying and. and doing things that most normal business would normally do. as the second amendment actually on the back of a coin completely spelled out too much. when one of the more popular medallions. i think this poster here really sums up who we are better than anything else in this building ron paul is certainly one of our personal heroes and probably the by far the most legitimate person that's ever served in government. he wrote a book called end the fed and it's a great book but we took a little bit of a. approach and said why don't we just stop the revolution and start the evolution and ignore the fed. trying to compete against them instead of trying to put them out of business or wave a sign to get them to change what they're doing let's just ignore them pretend as if they don't exist and will watch the effect that they have over our lives and our
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finances disappear almost to nothing. so we like to ignore the feder out here. you know people often ask what would it take. for us to. have the authority to govern. the land area and the people. of texas and there are several possibilities or probabilities that would bring out about one is. a complete economic collapse when the monetary system of the united states stops working and it's inevitable that it will and then you have an arc and then you have chaos then you have disorder. and the thing that's needed is to have a government in place that works on a volunteer basis instead of having to be paid huge salaries as the people in
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austin texas are busy on it. that's why you see what they're hanging first get over to hear. the news the articles are starting to reveal what we've known for a long time here and that is that there are more jobs in texas than just about any place else. and in fact governor perry has said texas is open for business which is another way of saying we have jobs here and we do and the question is why does texas have plenty of jobs when there are whole states that . just can't create jobs and have so many people more people going on in atlanta than ever. and there are several reasons for that one is a lot more texas people. are personally entrepreneurs' they think in terms of how can i organize people together to provide a product or provide
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a service which. people want the words not to get them to want something but if they already want something how can i provide it to them. to show the biggest part of it is there's just a whole lot less government interference over regulation. you have to get a permit you have to wait six months or a year before you do something while they go and think about whether it's good for the people or not if it isn't good for the people the people won't buy the darn fam . they're all. the united states flag and the texas plane flies the same with the only state and with a republic they can do that the other players have fly below and whatever is on top of that the female gets on top of a flag sets precedent if it's a it's military class. eagle it's a present. one of these days i'm
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a sniff of their hamburger on top that american. ok let's go to the cabin though. if it. is to feet higher than the fortune and d.c. did you. ever think texas is a bigger. always. we have got our only. got our own money. it was good to get the bill and higher than or just in d.c. that a bad. texas
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was fighting. it is defending itself against the armies of santa ana from mexico. they chose the gold star as their emblem says republic of texas. that seal was a dog. that in eighteen thirty seven and is still in the capitol building today right here in the very center of the building. which is just another evidence that the republic of texas has not gone away there's just a different form of government covering it but the land the people and the culture and the spirit of texas are still the same today.
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as an elected senator in the texas republic. i've had to give thought to whether i even wanted to run for that office. during all of that i decided that it was worth doing for several reasons i have children and grandchildren. i guess pretty soon i'll have great grandchildren. and i want them to grow up and live in a place that's truly free. and that requires a nation that's independent. where the government is limited it's limited in the amount of money it can spend or borrow or print. or coin or whatever. so i saw a chance for me. to play a part of. having a clearer vision putting it in words putting it on paper and creating the base the
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foundation on which a free nation could live again a free independent texas. you know see a story. you think you understand it and then. you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything is. welcome to the big picture. mission free cretaceous three. four judges free. range
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humans free. free studio time free. old free blog. free media. with. the consensus to. choose the opinions that you. choose the stories that impact your life choose access to. secret laboratory was able to build a most sophisticated. fortunately dorna found anything mission to teach me. this is why you should care
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only. the surviving boston bombing suspect reportedly awake to questions u.s. lawmakers are calling for him to be deprived of his right to a defense. after ten months being holed up in. the
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world's top. songs. why the. opposition attempts to disrupt a controversial formula one race. for the clashes with police. and the guantanamo bay detainees. hunger strike some going to the edge of death just to escape detention. a pleasure to have you with us here today. with your worldwide news live from moscow. surviving suspect in.


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